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Bright Spring Seasonal Color: The Ultimate Guide

Bright Spring Seasonal Color: The Ultimate Guide

You’ve looked at the palettes, investigated whether you have warm or cool undertones, and watched the videos explaining why this celebrity is definitely a bright spring, only to have the following video confidently say that celebrity is actually a bright winter.  And now, I’m here to simplify it all for you ( I hope!). 

Bright Spring- a beautiful, captivating palette that everyone loves to gatekeep and is probably deeply misunderstood. So let’s get into it!

Seasonal Color Analysis: The Basics

Have you ever found yourself staring at your closet, trying to decide what to wear, only to feel like nothing looks quite right on you? That’s where seasonal color analysis comes in. You no longer purchase the pewter gray slip dress because it looked killer in a 90’s street style photo.  And instead realize, heck ya, I can actually pull off the bright leaf green slip dress instead. 

Seasonal color analysis is the process of identifying your best, most harmonious colors.  While there are many theories and evolved processes to determine your seasonal color analysis, the most reliable way is to do at-home color drapes or see a professional.

I have an epic guide on how to DIY your seasonal color analysis here.

green examples for each four main seasons

And if you opt to see a professional be sure to remember a few things.  There are many different seasonal color systems that have evolved over the years.  I recommend you study each system and examine which one you resonate with most, and then find a consultant who does that specific system.  Furthermore, I do not generally recommend online consultations as they can be highly unreliable and there are a lot of unqualified people offering these services. 

Seasonal Color analysis examines three main color qualities and determines the best colors that will create harmony when you wear them.

munsell color wheel explained

It is heavily based on the Munsell Color Wheel- and examines your Hue (warm or cool),  your chroma (bright versus muted), and Value/Saturation (light versus deep).  

Whether you’ve opted for a professional color analyst or are exploring the Bright Spring seasonal color on your own, this guide will help you integrate it into your own personal style and help you find strength through style and confidence in your wardrobe color palette. 

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Characteristics of the Bright Spring Season:  Defining Bright Spring 

 Understanding color qualities and where a season falls on the Seasonal Analysis Flow Chart is incredibly important to understand how each color might work for your palette.  

Let’s examine where Bright Spring falls. Bright spring in a 12-season color system is between True Spring (also referred to as warm spring) and Bright Winter. It is part of the spring season which includes Bright Springs (Bright + Neutral/Warm), True Springs (Warm + Bright), and Light Springs ( Light + Neutral/Warm). 

seasonal color analysis color wheel, bright winter, bright spring, true spring, light spring

Note: I recommend when you begin to explore seasonal analysis to start with a 12-option system.  Figure out where you fall and try the colors.  If you really feel like some of those colors are not working or you’re pulling a lot of colors from a sister season successfully, then graduate to a 16-season system.  Having 16 options is usually a bit too overwhelming to parse through when you’re just exploring. 

Bright Spring has a neutral undertone that leans warm, which is what places it in this location.  Here are their color qualities. 

bright spring color qualtiies

Hue:  Bright springs have a neutral-leaning warm undertone.  They will not have cool undertones. 

Value: Value refers to how light or deep a color is (see image below) Bright Springs are usually more pure but they can lean a bit towards light (tints= color + white). They typically don’t have too many shades (color + black) in their palette and stay with more pure values.

what is deep versus light on the munsell color wheel- seasonl color analysis

Chroma: Bright springs have bright chroma/intensity.   This means these colors do not have any grays mixed into them.

color wheel as it relates to seasonal color analysis

Now, bright springs especially have a wide variety of potential “looks”.  And seasonal color analysis is a  spectrum.  So you will have Bright Springs (BS) that leans more towards the Bright Winter side of the palette with stronger contrast and features, and you will have Bright Springs that have a lighter coloring that leans more towards the True Spring side. 

variety of bright springs

Because of this variety, it becomes a very misunderstood season. And a fruitless experiment to say well I look like X celebrity so we are both Bright Springs. 

Common Bright Spring Hair, Eyes, and Skintones 

Remember that color draping is really the most effective way to determine your seasonal color.  We are examining how your skin reacts to the color so virtual drapings and photoshopping tools will not give you consistent results. 

Furthermore, seasonal color analysis has evolved a lot over time and emphasized different elements. So while Carole Jackson of “Color Me Beautiful” focused mostly on hair/skin/eyes to place you, color analysts today really only trust draping.

The following descriptions can* be common in the Bright Spring palette, but be sure to do color drapes to confirm whether or not you are actually a Bright Spring. 

bright spring hair colors

Bright Spring Hair: People with a Bright Spring color type may have natural hair colors that range from warm, golden blonde, flaxen blond, strawberry red, red, auburn, or light brown with reddish undertones. But remember I mentioned that it’s a spectrum- you can also find some Bright Springs with red-black or brown-black hair although this is less common. 

bright spring eye colors

Bright Spring Eyes: Bright Springs often have bright, clear eyes.  Their eyes range from clear green, green with gold, clear blue, aqua, french blue, light blue, olive with orange flecks, and light golden brown. 

bright spring skin tones

Bright Spring Skin Tone: The Bright Spring color type is associated with neutral warm undertones to the skin. These individuals may have a peachy or golden glow to their skin, and may also have freckles or rosy cheeks. Their skin often has a luminous quality, as if lit from within. They can also have a dark olive appearance with a yellow base. Or potentially a medium to rich brown with a golden undertone.

gray hair for bright springs

Turning Gray: When Bright Springs are gray they tend to get a silvery color with a lot of warmth to it. It has a jewel contrast similar to Bright Winter gray hair but with more warmth overall. 

Contrast in Bright Spring 

Contrast is absolutely a factor in seasonal color analysis, but it is only one piece of the puzzle.  And it can be an especially confusing factor in the Bright Spring type. 

Bright Spring, sometimes referred to as Clear Spring, has the most contrast of all the spring types. But compared to winters they are less contrasted. 

So while Bright Spring on their own may appear to have very clear features and contrast, if we set them next to a Bright Winter we see that they lean more toward medium-high contrast with Bright Winter having high contrast and a harsher quality to their look. 

bright spring versus bright winter

And there are also some Bright Springs that have a bit more blended quality closer to their True Spring neighbors, typically with medium blonde or brown hair and eyes that are blue or green with a bit more yellow. 

This is why color draping is important, to really factor in your own personal color needs.  And how you want to use those colors. 

Both BS and BW have a dominant trait of being “bright”.  This means the colors they choose are purer and don’t have any grays muting their saturation. 

bright spring vs bright winter african american example

Bright Spring is neutral leaning warm and Bright Winter is neutral leaning cool. So while they may share some overlap with saturation, the base hue of their palettes are different. 

We can also see again that BS has medium-high contrast whereas Bright Winter has high contrast when side by side. 

Bright Spring vs Dark Autumn

bright spring versus dark autumn

So what do these two season types have in common?  Well, they are both neutral-leaning warm closer to the Winter side of the spectrum.  

Bright Springs are going to have bright chroma, whereas Dark Autumns have muted chroma.  

While their characteristics might sound verbally alike when you list out their features, they do not often get mistaken visually for one another.

You can see that Bright Spring is far more saturated and clear than the DA. 

If you think you might be a dark autumn, check out my guide on it here.

Bright Spring vs Light Summer

bright spring vs light summer

If this seems like a stretch, just give me a minute to explain… So Light Summer is the brightest of the summer palettes.  And they are neutral cool leaning warm.  And if we went over hair/eyes they could be mistaken for one another (especially when they have gray or white hair). 

But when draped, it should become obvious that light summers do not have enough saturation in their palettes.

This leads me to… 

How To Determine If You Are A Bright Spring

As mentioned previously, color draping is the only “definitive” way to figure out your seasonal type. 

For the full typing process, explore my DIY Color Analysis guide here. 

Conducting an At-Home Color Drape 

When conducting a color draping test, it’s essential to pay attention to several factors that can influence the results. Here are some guidelines to ensure you get accurate and reliable outcomes:

diy seasonal color analysis set up lighting and placement

Lighting: Natural daylight is the best lighting source for a color draping test. It provides the most accurate representation of colors without altering their appearance. Avoid fluorescent or yellow-toned lighting, as these can distort the colors and affect the results. Opt for being around 3 ft away from a North Facing window if possible, this creates the most even lighting.  Avoid taking photos at “golden hour” 

Hair: Tie your hair back or wear a neutral headband to keep it away from your face. This will help prevent any influence from your current hair color on the test, especially if it’s dyed or not your natural color. If you have very short hair, consider wearing a light gray or white hair cap.

Makeup: Remove any makeup before the test, as makeup can alter your skin tone and coloration. The goal is to assess your natural coloring without any external influences. (Yes, even your mascara and tinted moisturizer need to be removed).

Clothing: Wear a white or light gray top or drape a white cloth around your neck and shoulders. This neutral background will help you focus on the colors you’re testing without interference from your clothing.

Draping fabrics: Use a variety of fabric swatches in different colors, including those from the Soft Summer palette and other seasonal palettes. This will help you compare and contrast how different colors affect your appearance.  Fabrics are much more effective than lipstick or makeup tests. Feel free to use any fabric around the house (sheets, curtains, clothes, towels etc). 

If you have zero colors at your house, you could try this set of affordable fabric swatches. But they are smaller in size (12 in by 12 in) so you need to hold them closer to your face.

Test one color at a time: Hold each fabric swatch close to your face, underneath your chin, and observe the effect it has on your complexion, eyes, and overall appearance. Take note of which colors make your skin look more even and radiant, and which colors make you appear washed out or tired.

Take photos: Capture photos of each color swatch against your face. This can help you review and compare the effects of each color more objectively later.

Assess The Color:

what should i look for in my color drapes
(this is not a BS color, just fyi)

But the first thing you will want to confirm is your undertone.

The simplest test to see where you fall with your undertone was created by Robert Dorr of the Color Key System, where you test magenta (cool) versus orange (warm).

pink versus magenta undertone test

If you are bright spring, both of these colors will probably look good on you. But orange will look slightly better because of its warmth.

Even if you are “neutral” in undertone you will lean towards cool or warm. 

Now if you have confirmed you are warm, continue to color drape to determine whether you need muted colors (autumn) or bright colors (spring). 

Autumn vs. Spring Drapings:

(please note, I have cool-toned, so none of these colors look “great” on me). 

olive versus green for autumn versus spring
autumn versus spring muted blue green versus aqua

You’ll want to compare sets of photos and multiple drapes to get the most accurate result. Eventually, if you are a Bright spring you should see that the brighter shades suit you more.  Autumns have rich gold added to their colors, whereas Springs have clear yellows added.  You’re not going to find muted colors (color + degrees of gray) in the spring palette. 

Issues with your white balance or confusion about your draping results? Again check out my guide here.

Is Eye Pattern Typing a real thing? 

Most color analysts don’t consider eye typing a verifiable way to determine your season type alone. It can be a factor that provides somewhat repeatable results but is far from 100% accurate.  (Meaning if you took 100 Bright Springs, you might find 75 of them have a similar eye pattern, but if you’re one of the 25 that don’t and that’s the only test you do, well oops.) 

But, if you’re curious this is what the Spring eye pattern it is typically seen as a sun or sunlight coming from a small area around the pupil.  This is different than the “Aztec Sun” of the autumn palette. 

eye pattern of springs

This pattern can be seen in blue, green, or brown eyes.

Some analysts also believe Spring can have a cracked glass eye pattern, which is common in Summer seasons. And in this case, it’s best to check undertones and drapes. 

Is it fun to see if your eye pattern matches? Definitely. Would I use this as confirmation you need to completely revamp your wardrobe for Bright Spring, no!

Bright Spring Celebrities 

Unfortunately, there is no “ultimate, verified” list of celebrities that are bright spring. And there are tons of professional consultants and different color systems that will type the came celebrity differently. 

And because these celebs are often typed based on photos that have been color corrected, or edited, or they are wearing a lot of makeup/tanner, it can be hard to decipher their true undertone and placement. 

So while I give you some examples of Bright Spring Celebs in my opinion, just know that these shouldn’t be used as correlative data points. Just because you look like Nicole Kidman, doesn’t mean you react the same way to color as her. 

Mila Jovovich

mila jovovich in summer versus spring colors
mila jovovich in bright spring color outfits

Kerry Washington

kerry washington in winter versus bright spring colors
kerry washington bright spring outfits

Jessica Pare

jessica pare as megan draper in bright spring clothing versus other seasons

At first glance you might think Jessica Pare is so pale, she must be a Winter. But she looked stunning as Megan Draper in Mad Men in all those warm-toned clothes. So I personally think she is a Bright Spring that leans more toward the winter side of the flow chart.

jessica pare bright spring outfits
emmy rossum seasonal color analysis

So Emmy Rossum is used frequently as a Bright Spring celebrity. And I do think some bright colors look fabulous on her, but I also think she can pull off a ton of Bright Winter colors (more than your average Bright Spring). In her case, I would say she is the flow between the two seasons and would benefit from a purely “bright” category in the 16-season system.

So as you can see there is a pretty wide range to Bright Springs, and some appear more related to the True Spring neighbors, and others appear close to their Bright Spring sister season. 

But they all flourish in bright, warm colors. 

In my opinion, seasonal color analysis is a spectrum.  So while most of the colors in this palette will harmonize beautifully with you, there may be a couple of colors you don’t like on yourself.  Or there may be a section of colors you gravitate towards or reflect your personal style goals more.  So use this guide as inspiration to start understanding the Bright Spring color palette, so that you can then create your uniquely you color palette. 

UMM… Aren’t you forgetting Emma Stone?

Ok, controversial opinion coming at you… Emma Stone looks FANTASTIC with red hair and can pull off a lot of Bright Spring Colors. But, I think her red hair dye is compensating for that brightness, possibly. Now, her true hair color seems to be lighter and I have no doubt she’s in the Spring family. But I hesitate to broadcast her as a Bright Spring. I’m not sure she naturally has their contrast levels.

Celebrity Typing: Word of Caution

Professional analysts rarely believe in online consultations  (there are a few very well-seasoned professionals who can accurately type virtually but generally it is not all that accurate). 

So, while you’re watching all the wonderful youtube videos out there on seasonal color, just remember that that celebrity has not been “officially” placed.  And depending on which picture you choose of a celebrity, can drastically alter the “assessment”.  So while I think those videos can be fun and can help you learn about color, please don’t use a celeb as a hard data comparison. 

faulty seasonal color analysis of celebs because of photo editing

Bright Spring Imagery 

Seasonal color analysis does actually have roots in the seasons and landscapes as we know them.

The thought process was developed first by Johannes Itten who started to realize certain people’s colorings fit in nicely with certain landscapes during each season. 

But, Bright Springs landscapes can be described as a magical, tropical forest.  Full of color and vibrancy and the warmth of nature. 

bright spring moodboard

Keywords for Bright Spring

While your color qualities (neutral warm, light, bright) are essential to understand there is also an innate energy that a Bright Spring exudes. Some of the words used to describe BS are: 

  • Crystalline
  • Crisp
  • Clean
  • Sharp
  • Bright
  • Sparkly movement
  • Energetic
  • Magical
  • Fun
  • Tropical
  • High-spirited
  • Exuberant
  • Warm 

Understanding Color Theory, Art, and Seasonal Color Analysis 

So as I mentioned, the history of color analysis is in the evolution of how artists used color theory in their works.  

It first started with Johaness Itten who began to split colors into yellow/warm and blue/cool and then eventually realized they could be split further into light and dark.  And the realization formed that certain painted skin tones looked better in certain landscapes.  A light, bright, warm person would look stunning in a saturated rainforest scene with a rich waterfall in the background.

Then we also have the impact of Albert Munsell who created a 3-dimensional color wheel that is the foundation of seasonal color analysis we know today. Evaluating a color based on three properties: hue, chroma, and value.  

munsell color theory with munsell and images from current book

So while there have many seasonal color analysts and professionals who have furthered the process to be applied to personal style, makeup, and overall daily use, color theory, and art is the root of these processes. 

So I always like to look at some actual artwork that applies the same qualities as a Bright Spring.  

For instance: 

Sunflowers by Vincent Van Gogh

sunflowers by van gogh, bright spring color palette
could have some true spring crossover

Les Demoiselles d’Avignon by Pablo Picasso

bright spring pablo picasso

Portrait of Jeanne Samary Renoir 

renoir painting bright spring

Viva la Vida, Watermelons by Frida Kahlo 

frida kahlo bright spring art
monet Bright spring painting

All of this is to explain that yes- hair/skin/eyes can give you an inkling of your type but it’s a spectrum.  Please don’t agonize for months trying to determine what season you are in.  Instead, explore which color qualities harmonize with you, and how you like to use color in your wardrobe and develop the ability to recognize where each color lives so you can build your own unique palette. 

Bright Spring Color Palette 

Now, if you just skimmed through the entire article until you got to this heading, I won’t judge you.  This is probably what you were actually searching for.  But, while this is a great Bright Spring palette to get your inspirations going, the color understanding and qualities of Bright Spring are worth learning.  They give you the foundational information to build your own unique palette, shop successfully for these colors, and borrow for sister seasons more strategically.  

Here’s a general overview of the Bright Spring Color Palette

The colors are typically neutral/warm,  light intensity, and bright overall. 

bright spring color palette

Bright Spring Neutrals

bright spring neutrals

If you’re sitting there wondering if your phone brightness is on too high, because, “man, those colors are bright”… Nope, Bright Springs thrive in those saturations.  And if any other season tried to pull off the high color combinations of Bright Spring they would likely look off, but you have this vibrancy about you that makes combinations like coral and lime zest amazing. 

But, if innovative use of color isn’t a part of your personal style goals or you have some business casual needs, here are some neutrals you might try incorporating 

Some neutrals might be: 

  • Yogurt white 
  • Dark charcoal 
  • Navy blue 
  • Dark green 
  • Brown

If you opt for a neutral, it’s best to pair it with vibrant accent colours so it doesn’t dim your overall clarity. 

What about white and black?

Because Bright Springs can handle contrast and they are sister seasons with Bright Winter they can pull off small doses of true black and white.  Small blocks of black or white or linear elements of black/white can create a vibrant contrast.  Piping, trim, belts, or styling details can help stabilize your overall look.  

However, if you are creating a business casual look or an outfit with a large neutral component a color within your main sub-season will be more effective.  A BS neutral with a brighter color can look incredibly chic.  

A more effective color scheme would be a buttermilk white and coal black. These colors may appear like “true black” and “true white” when you wear them, so they create the same effect and it’s only when compared directly to their winter counterparts that the warmness will be more evident. 

Worst Colors for Bright Spring

worst colors for bright spring

Sometimes learning your seasonal color type is helpful by just eliminating your “worst colors” from your wardrobe and shopping carts. 

And when you are color draping, sometimes pooling together your worst colors can give you an inkling of what color qualities are working. 

Cool colors: Colors like icy blue, lavender, and cool grays can clash with the warm and vibrant nature of the Bright Spring color palette.

Muted colors: Colors like dusty rose, olive green, and muted gold can make the Bright Spring color type look washed out and dull, detracting from their natural radiance.

Dark/Deep colors: Colors like crow black, dark navy, and deep burgundy can be too heavy for the delicate coloring of the Bright Spring color type, making them look drained of color and vitality.

Earthy colors: Colors like taupe, mustard, and rust can be too muted or murky for the Bright Spring palette, and may make the individual look dull or lifeless.

Bright spring should avoid colors that are muted and cool and colors that are deep and muted.  They are bright and warm, so these colors will make them look sallow and dampen their natural clarity. 

While Bright Springs focus on “glistening” colors, anything too icy/cool that belongs in a winter palette will not be super harmonious with them. 

How Do You Use Color In Your Wardrobe?

Maybe you’re thinking “ I have to be a Bright Spring because everyone always compliments me when I wear a lime zest shirt or an Aegean sea-colored dress”.  Well, I hate to break it to you but that is not confirmation.  

A lot of times people compliment colors they like and do not consider how it harmonizes with you.  And sometimes they are seeing the color before they see you- which is not the goal of seasonal color analysis. 

Instead of “that dress is gorgeous”, we are aiming for “YOU look stunning in that dress”. And when a non-BS wears a bright color, the color is almost always the first thing noticed or it draws attention but doesn’t necessarily harmonize. 

Color Combinations for Bright Springs 

bright spring color combinations

Bright Springs can really handle some contrast in their outfits, and they can also rock innovative uses of color. 

If you want to use a neutral be sure to pair it with a bright color to reflect your energized and vibrant look. 

Where other seasons might look clown-like in complementary colors or bright color contrasts, you can thrive in that contrast and vibrancy.  

However, if you opt for analogous or monochrome outfits, it might take a bit more forethought. 

So if you like to dress in monochrome opt for a more colorful column of color.  A light gray column of color on you might dim your liveliness. Whereas a brighter blue monochrome could make you shine.

When using analogous colors (colors that are next to each other on the color wheel), make sure you have some “breaks” instead of a blended approach. 

You have contrast and linear breaks or energetic individual colors can be stunning. But anything too blended might feel too soft for you. 

Clear definitions of color are key. 

Similarly, all-over dark or light outfits can feel too serious on you and might wash out your clear coloring a bit. 

Bright Spring Jewelry 

bright spring jewelry

Because you are a neutral-leaning season you can probably pull off both gold and silver. And because you can handle some contrast, you can even wear them together. 

You can wear a wide range of golds- from buttery yellow, slightly orange-tinted, and even a sharp yellow. You can also try white gold. You want to avoid any gold that feels brassy, antique, or burnished. 

If you opt for rose gold, go for one that has a peach undertone instead of a rusty one. 

Metal textures should be shiny and smooth, and not antique or with a patina. 

And remember that you shine in bright, so any bright and shiny stones will look fantastic on you. And don’t be afraid of jewelry that has multiple colors within it, that type of animation and energy looks perfect on a BS. 

You can also experiment with diamonds, yellow sapphires, emeralds, clear turquoise, coral, blue topaz, and Swarovski crystals.  Be wary of any muted options that have a “Santa Fe” look that might be more at home in the Autumn family. 

Clear, shiny, and bright stones are going to be an easy choice for you. 

Bright Spring Prints 

bright spring print examples

Bright Springs were made for prints because they reflect your animated vibrancy and create movement within your outfit. 

Triangles, zigzags, unique artistic designs, and asymmetrical prints are all fantastic options. Super small-scale or blended color prints are not the best for your vibrant nature. 

If you opt for a paisley or plaid it is best when all the colors are within your BS palette. 

Because you have such warm and bright colors in your palette it can be more obvious when a shade is outside your palette and throw off your look. 

Take the below print examples for instance. 

bright spring print picking
bright spring print examples
bright spring prints example poc

Textures for Bright Spring

Since you have clarity in your features you can really handle some shine when it comes to texture. 

When it comes to shine the brightness of winter’s sequins might overshadow you, but patent leather, satin, or shiny stone earrings can be a beautiful compliment to your clarity. 

But remember that your style essence or your personal style preferences may trump this texture preference.  If you lean more natural with your styling, the shine may seem disharmonious overall and it would be a normal deviation to use more matte fabrics in your color palette instead. 

Denim For Bright Spring 

A lot of denims are within the Bright Spring palette but you don’t want anything to appear too faded or worn in which can add softness to your look when you really need brightness. 

Very blue navy denim is fantastic on you and can pair beautifully with the other bright colors in your palette. 

If you opt for a medium or light blue just make sure there is a richness to the shade and it doesn’t veer too muted. You want colors that vibrate against each other, not dull each other out. 

Bright Spring Makeup 

Your makeup can have a profound impact on your overall vibe and the finishing touches of your personal style.  And it’s possible you may not gravitate towards such strong colors on your face, even if you can handle them beautifully.  

This section will still have a lot of insights on what type of textures and techniques harmonize with the Bright Spring beauty. 

Because you have higher contrast within the Spring family, it is ideal to use both value and color contrast. 

Let’s go over some terms that might help you understand the BS makeup a bit better. We are going to use the term “clear” which in this case is a synonym for bright and references a pure color pigment.  We don’t want a muted, muddy, or any color that has a lot of gray added to it.

bright spring makeup tip

Makeup having transparency is not the same thing as being muted.  Glossy finishes or clear finishes work beautifully on a Bright Spring. So just make sure the pigment is in season and vibrant enough for you. 

You may struggle to find “sets” of makeup all within the bright spring palette, so individual purchases may be easier for you and lead to less waste. 

Bright Spring Foundation

Your foundation should match your skin flawlessly, and it will likely be a neutral/warm shade. However, do not necessarily trust a makeup brand’s interpretation of neutral/warm/cool as they can be highly unreliable. Similarly, a cosmetic counter representative may understand makeup but they may not be familiar with the nuances and subtleties of seasonal color analysis.  So it is best to test the color in person and in natural light.  

In terms of formulas, try to avoid opaque foundations as they are too heavy on you.  A perfect color match is essential though, so if you find a foundation that matches you and is a bit heavier than you’d like you can lighten it with the application.  You can add try a primer, sunscreen, or even a moisturizer to thin out the color a bit. 

Sheer and dewy are especially great on you if you can find a perfect color match. 

Here are some general examples of Bright Spring Foundations:

bright spring foundation examples
Shop Bright Spring Makeup, please note the names of the colors as links do not always select the correct BS shade

Pay attention to the name and color if you want to explore any of the selections above, as the link will not always load the exact color I’ve referenced. 

Bright Spring Blush

The best colors for your blush are often warm pink, coral red, and bright salmon.  And a more opaque blush can sometimes feel heavy on your skin, so be sure to test the density. 

You want something that allows your natural, even skin tone to shine through.  So light cream or lighter transparency blushes are great.  You want the blush to look natural on your face, and not separate. 

bright spring blushes
Shop Bright Spring Makeup, please note the names of the colors as links do not always select the correct BS shade

Bright Spring Contour: Yay or Nay

So you may be assuming that since the Bright Spring has more contrast to it that it will naturally be able to handle contour.  But, heavy contouring rarely works for springs as it tends to mute their natural clearness. 

Instead of contouring their faces, Bright Springs can use a highlighter to enhance the vibrancy of their face.  A peach gold highlighter can help brighten your face instead of sharpening it. 

Bright Spring Bronzer

Caution should be used with bronzer because if it is too heavy or muted it may lean more autumn and dull your face. 

And if you lean a bit more towards the winter side of the spectrum, bronzer may not be something you opt for. 

A light matte, slightly translucent, light shimmer peach gold bronzer can be nice accentuating touch for some bright springs. 

Personal experimentation is key in these decisions. And I find sometimes photographing a makeup look and reviewing it later can give hindsight clarity.

Bright Spring Lip Colors 

bright spring lip colors
Shop Bright Spring Makeup, please note the names of the colors as links do not always select the correct BS shade

Glossy lip shades with color pigment are fantastic for you. You’ll want to avoid anything too muted, matte, or dry as it will feel separate from your vibrancy. 

Please note “saturated” color does not mean a dark color. Instead, it refers to the tone of the color, and a more pure color (no grays added) is ideal. 

Juicy lip glosses should be an easy yes for most Bright Springs.  Depending on whether you are closer to the bright winter or true spring side of the spectrum may impact which lip colors you choose. 

Coral: Coral is a warm and vibrant color that is often found in the Bright Spring palette. It’s a great choice for lip color as it can add a pop of warmth and radiance to the overall look.

Peach: Peach is another warm and bright color that complements the natural warmth in the Bright Spring coloring. It can add a natural and fresh look to the face.

Bright pink: A bright and clear pink lip color can complement the bright and clear nature of the Bright Spring color palette. It can add a fun and playful touch to the overall look.

Tomato Red: A true red lip color can also be a great choice for those with a Bright Spring color type, as long as it’s a warm and bright shade. Red can add a classic and bold touch to the overall look.

Warm Fuschia:  A great option for Bright Springs who lean closer to the Bright winter side of their sub season 

Bright Spring Eyeshadows 

bright spring eyeshadow
Shop Bright Spring Makeup, please note the names of the colors as links do not always select the correct BS shade

Bright springs often have really striking and captivating eye colors, so you want your eyeshadows to draw emphasis but not overpower. 

Generally, bright springs should avoid palettes that are made for “x color eyes” as they have such vibrant and multi-dimensional eyes they rarely harmonize perfectly. 

If you want some neutral eyeshadow shades you could try light to medium gray-beige, crisp silver taupe, or a pale beech color.  You can opt for a matte texture or shimmery option depending on the overall look you going for. 

If you want a more colorful eyeshadow look you could try melon, apricot, coral, or a clear vibrant gold. You can also pull from the blue side of your palette and try a turquoise, lime green, or even emerald. 

Bright Spring Eye Liner 

If you want a starker look you can opt for medium-gray or a warm medium-dark charcoal, but you may want to be careful with the application.  When you encircle the entire eye it can make them appear smaller and confined.   This is a great affordable eyeliner formula for bright springs.

Navy blue eyeliner can be especially effective on Bright Springs who have blue or green eyes. 

And because you can handle color so seamlessly, Bright Springs can even try turquoise, purple, deep violet, or emerald eyeliners as well. 

Bright Spring Mascara 

Your best bet for mascara is black/brown, soft black, or dark gray/charcoal.  Extreme black mascaras may be too heavy on you. 

Bright Spring Nail Polishes 

You have so much vibrancy in your colors that nail polishes shouldn’t be super hard to find.  And if all this color is making you neutral-dressers a little nervous, try starting out with an energetic BS nail polish to get acquainted with your palette. 

Here are some ideas:

Bright Spring: Dying Your Hair 

A lot of analysts will say that your natural hair color is your best color. And some seasons can get away with slight changes to their hair that complement their harmony nicely.  However, for bright springs, the general recommendation is “DON’T mess with your natural color!”. 

Your hair typically has a lot of natural dimension to it and dying your hair can give it a heavier, muted quality.  And it can be a struggle to get back to your natural color.  

bright spring hair dying tips

If you’re getting the itch to change things up, you could try some gentle highlights or balayage that will add more dimension to your hair color. But be careful not to add too much contrast that it becomes distracting, and be careful of the hue dimension of the highlights themselves. A colorful sunkissed look can work or a honey-bronde color can be effective, but we don’t want tiger stripes, ashy tones, or platinum streaks. 

Opt for added dimension to your natural color over any strong color deviation or all-over color. 

And generally, any darkening of your color should be avoided.  You already have the maximum contrast for the Spring family, adding more contrast will be distracting. 

Bright Spring Outfit Ideas 

So your wardrobe color palette is only one part of your overall personal style goals. It is important to remember your own authentic expression, including how you like to use color and how you like to express yourself.  

Remember to use this guide as foundational information and not a rule book. The more you learn about color and your use of it, the more you will know where and when you want to break or bend these guidelines.  

Here are some ideas of Bright Spring outfits that you can* take inspiration from.  But please don’t get depressed if you look at these outfits and say “Oh my god, I would never wear those, seasonal colors must not be for me”.  There are many, many ways to use your palette. 

Farm Rio has some especially great pieces for Bright Springs!

bright spring outfit inspiration
bright spring outfit inspiration
Some colors are outside the BS palette but overall I think it is bright and warm!
bring spring outfit inspiration crossover color bw

Tips for Shopping Bright Spring 

Please don’t analyze yourself as a Bright Spring and then decide you need a whole new wardrobe overnight.  Color analysis is a journey and should be done with the unique individual in mind. 

As you progress you may learn more about your style goals and feel comfortable adding more Bright Spring elements to your wardrobe overall.  This is fantastic, but now what? 

Here are some tips to help:

Know your color palette: The first step in shopping for Bright Spring colors is to know your color palette. This will help you identify the colors that complement your natural coloring and enhance your overall appearance. Remember when I said you might want to learn the basics of the color theory behind seasonal color analysis? Well, that’s because it will help you tremendously when you are deciding if that color is a match for you or not. 

Shop with a color swatch: It can be helpful to carry a color swatch/fan of your Bright Spring palette with you when shopping. This will help you compare the colors of the clothing and accessories to your color swatch, ensuring that you are selecting the right colors for your coloring.

If you’re struggling to see if the color matches your bright spring fan, then try comparing it to other colors in your fan. It should look harmonious will all the other colors as well.  And if it looks slightly off when paired next to other BS options, it’s probably not exactly right. 

If you don’t have a fan you can try bringing a Bright Spring piece you already know is your palette with you.  Comparing a new item to a bright spring scarf for instance should create harmony if they are both BS colors. Or it may highlight that the piece veers a bit more muted or cool when next to your scarf. Comparison is your friend! 

Choose bright and clear colors: Bright and clear colors are characteristic of the Bright Spring palette, so it’s important to choose colors that are vivid and vibrant. You may think well this color is in the autumn family, but it’s still warm so I can probably wear it… But honestly, a muted color will dull your vibrancy and can make you look sallow. 

Pay attention to fabric and texture: Fabric and texture can also play a role in selecting the right colors for a Bright Spring. Look for fabrics that have clear textures or shine (assuming these work for your personal style). Be mindful of deeper, muted, or muddier textures like flaxen wool or a soft suede 

Don’t be afraid of innovative uses of color:  A turquoise leather jacket or a coral pair of heels are great choices for you.  If it’s a basic staple in a BS color palette, you can pull it off! 

Give yourself some adjustment time:  You may not be used to seeing yourself in so much color and it may feel or look off to you at first.  Start integrating small amounts of colors into your look and over time you will start to see how you flourish in this vibrant, energetic color palette. 

Dressing During Colder Months

Since the Bright Spring color palette is characterized by warm, bright, and clear colors, those with a Bright Spring color type should choose clothing colors that complement their natural coloring, even in the colder months. Here are some tips for dressing in autumn or winter as a Bright Spring:

Stick with warm and bright colors: Even in the colder months, it’s important to stick with warm and bright colors that complement the natural warmth in the Bright Spring coloring. Colors like warm red, coral, golden clear yellow, and bright green can be great choices for autumn and winter.

Layer with neutrals: While bright colors should remain the focus, it can be helpful to layer with neutral colors like slate, coal, buttermilk white, and ivory to create balance in the overall look. These neutral colors can also add warmth and coziness to the overall look.

Choose fabrics with texture and warmth: In colder months, it’s important to choose fabrics that provide warmth and texture to the overall look. Wool, cashmere, and shinier leather are great fabric choices for autumn and winter, as they add texture and dimension to the overall look. Avoid “heathered” textures as those appear muddier on you.

Accessorize with warm and bright colors: Accessories can be a great way to add pops of warm and bright colors to the overall look. Scarves, hats, gloves, and even boots in warm and bright colors can add warmth and radiance to the overall look.

I’ve tried the colors and I hate them!? 

Sometimes people explore seasonal analysis and they end up with a palette they “hate”.  There are a few reasons why this can happen…

  1.  You are not actually a bright spring. In a DIY or even a professional analysis, sometimes you get the wrong type.  I would suggest if you’ve given it some time, are sure you are choosing BS colors, and a majority of the palette isn’t working for you, go back to the drawing board and re-drape. 
  2. You have a personal style aesthetic that doesn’t necessarily harmonize with Bright Spring.  If you have a very muted, natural personal style that looks beautiful on you, your bright spring palette may not be applied as easily. You could certainly add more clarity to your style over time, but that may not be what you want.  I like to approach these style elements as different tools in your style toolbox.  You may not “need” this tool for this era in your style.  
  3. You may prefer to use color differently.  Sometimes people prefer when people notice the color before they notice them.   It creates a kind of “style armor”.  If you look at the images of Emilia Clark (Summer) below we can see that both are beautiful outfits but one is in her palette and harmonizes, and the other draws you to the color first.  If you prefer this method of dressing, I still encourage you to learn your seasonal color type because it will help you hit some of your color qualities and you can generally avoid colors that truly make you look sickly.  I sometimes dress in this manner, but I’ve learned for my own skin tone and color qualities to avoid saturated, warm colors that make me look like death (haha, I am not a bright spring like your vibrant goddesses!) 
how do you use color in and out of season
(she’s in the summer family, fyi)

Being a Bright Spring means embracing your warm, vibrant, and radiant natural coloring. Your coloring is captivating and energetic, and when you wear your colors you shine.  

 Remember to embrace your natural beauty, experiment with different colors and styles, and most importantly, have fun with your fashion choices!  I am all about finding strength through style and using your wardrobe as a superpower. 

So go out there and shine bright like the sun!

bright spring ultimate guide


Tuesday 9th of April 2024


Gabrielle Arruda

Tuesday 9th of April 2024

thank you!


Monday 18th of March 2024

What a fantastic post, thank you! I have recently typed myself as a bright spring and have always known that corals and hot pinks suit me, and I find it easier to dress with these colours in the spring and summer but I am finding it so hard to imagine dressing this way in the cooler months. So hard to find outfit inspo. Especially as I am also a Kibbe Dramatic Classic so my wardrobe seems to be all black and white! Argh!

Gabrielle Arruda

Monday 18th of March 2024

It's a journey to get all your "style elements" in line, but I'm so happy you've found yourself in bright spring! It's a beautiful palette


Friday 8th of March 2024

Hi, This guide is perfect. How much does it cost to download it?? it would be great to have it. Thanks a lot. Sandra

Gabrielle Arruda

Friday 8th of March 2024

Ah, I'm sorry. I don't have it available to download currently. But, I will consider this for the future. I'm glad you liked it!


Tuesday 5th of March 2024

What about warm spring 🥲🥲🥲

Gabrielle Arruda

Wednesday 6th of March 2024

I'm working on this one currently!


Monday 4th of December 2023

Hi, thank you for such an informative article. Easy to follow too. I do have one question please. If BS hair comes in silvery as they age how can this have quite a lot of warmth in it? Silver is acknowledged to be a cool colour so how can it have warmth in it? I’m a bit confused! Hope you can help.

Gabrielle Arruda

Monday 4th of December 2023

Glad you found it helpful! Based on the sci-art system, BS does tend to turn silvery. They are neutral leaning warm, so they do tend to have some hints of coolness present. Also, hair color is not really a deciding factor anymore for color analysis. It's mostly how color interacts with your skin undertone. While hair color can be a slight factor, many seasons with the seasonal analysis color wheel will have tonal hair. For instance, deep winters can have reddish tones to their hair as well despite having cool leaning undertones. Overall, yes silver as a color leans cool, but dont focus too much on hair color, it's not a determining factor.