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Seasonal Color Capsule Wardrobes: Summer Weather 2024

summer capsule wardrobes for all 12 seasonal color palettes

Whether you’ve been pouring into every piece of content on seasonal color analysis or you’ve just had an analysis done and found out your season, your journey has really just begun.

We chase the answer to “What season am I?” as if we were searching for the fabled lost treasure of El Dorado. Traversing color theory, and internet myths, and hoping to uncover the final golden combination of hue, value, and chroma. 

gabrielle arruda verified bright spring seasonal color
New style input from my sci-art color training!

Then, we can rest… 

But, really, that’s when the real work begins.  That’s when you have to take your education, your color fans, and start understanding what works in your current wardrobe and what you might want to purchase with your new colors in mind. 

new style input on seasonal color analysis on gabrielle arruda

Switching over a closet should be a slow and intentional pivot.  Because understanding how you will use your new style input will take time.

Whether you are a capsule wardrobe believer or not, it is the perfect strategy for testing the waters of your new seasonal placement. 

You’re learning, where do I like to use these neutrals now? How do I use my accent colors? Do I want a wardrobe composed of lots of brights or do I lean more conservative with my color choices? 

By flushing out a capsule wardrobe and taking your daily outfit photos, in one season (a literal season, 3 months) you will walk away having flushed out your color style pillar. 

Which is why I’ve created this guide.

Seasonal Color Capsules for Summer Weather  2024

Now, we first need to understand that every palette has “summer” appropriate colors within the palette. This is why I’ve included some sample colors from each actual palette I own for each season.  We don’t want to box Autumns into wearing khaki or olives only. When they could use soft leaf-green, salmon or soft caramel instead.

The second thing I want to bring up is that these are my capsule ideas, they are not meant to be a shopping guide you then go buy everything in the picture and your style is set.  This is just an example from the palette that I think works well together. 

I often choose 1-2 neutrals to focus on, and then 2-3 colors to integrate.  Because I’m building capsules and not just one-off outfits, I need them to work together.  I also show you how this works by adding outfit ideas using the capsule pieces. 

gabrielle arruda in bright spring colors

But, if you look at bright spring and think, well I don’t like those bright oranges and poppy reds, I prefer the greens and purples in my palette. Fantastic! You’ve just found some style data. But you can still benefit from the relationship aspect to see how I balance out certain capsules.

For future capsules, if you’d like me to look for pieces in a specific color for your palette, just let me know in the comments (politely please, I do my best!).  Dark Winters requested some yellow, so they got yellow this summer. 

Overall, these are inspirations and general guidelines, and not mean to be a shopping list.  You will find shopping links if you have an eye on a specific piece, as well as additional pieces in those shopping links that fit the season but didn’t seamlessly integrate into the capsule I had built. Don’t let this post feel like it’s a box you have to squeeze into, but just an idea if you were wondering how might a Dark Autumn have a fun summer wardrobe.  ( sometimes time the linked pieces don’t show the correct color, so be sure to check the store website for all the color options)

What If These Capsules Don’t Fit My Style?

That’s ok. You could save the image to Pinterest if you find it a helpful guide color-wise but not style-wise. Or you could decide to use your color fans and explore your own pieces.

Eventually, you will want to master your color fan, because that will allow you a lot of freedom when you’re shopping. You won’t be guessing, it’ll become clear.

And, if you’re curious how to use your fan, or how different fabrics fit different seasons, essences, and image IDs, you can check out my YouTube series on it here. 

 We may earn a commission from you clicking a link below. And as an amazon associate, we earn on qualifying purchases. Full affiliate policy, here.

Brief Overview of Color Dimensions

Color analysis is based on three color characteristics: hue, value, and chroma. The goal of determining your seasonal color placement is to match the colors that are naturally found in your face and body with the clothing and makeup you find in your palette. It creates a strong color foundation to support your features and make you glow!

It is based on Munsell’s color wheel, and this is a very helpful little diagram to understand how they all relate:

color wheel as it relates to seasonal color analysis

Let’s briefly describe hue, value, and chroma in case anyone is confused or needs a refresher.

seasonal color palette color dimensions breakdown

And here are some specified examples of each dimension:

hue seasonal color example

Hue: How warm or cool a color is. A color is “warmed up” by adding yellow. And a color is “cooled down” by adding blue. Every palette will have its version of every color.

seasonal color analysis value

Value: This is how light or dark a color is. Which is measured by how much white (tints) or black (shades) is being added to the principal color. Every palette will have a collection of neutrals, light and dark colors but this value is setting the general range. A value range for a bright spring for example is warm white to dark coal unlike winter’s range of pure white to pure black.

chroma example for seasonal color

Chroma: This measures how muted or bright the color is. When we add gray to a color it becomes a tone and softens the color. When the color has no gray it has a high chroma and is a bright and clear color. Summer and Autumn typically have more muted palettes, while winter and spring have brighter chroma palettes.

12 Seasonal Color Palette Capsule Wardrobes: Summer 2024 

Now, while it has gotten easier to find your colors any time of the year, some seasons still may struggle shopping for the season during certain points of the year.  So I recommend for instance if you’re in the autumn family, to keep an eye out for wardrobe basics during actual fall. You’ll likely find tanks, tees, and shoes that fit your season more easily. 

Let’s get into the actual palettes. 

NOTE:  I have not purchased these pieces and verified them to be within the assigned palette.  I am using my best judgment based on the online photos.  Internet images can be inaccurate at times, so make sure you check the return policy before you purchase. 

Also, if you click on a shopping link, sometimes it does not show the color that I have displayed, so just keep that in mind. But if you click through to the store, it should be shown as an option. So if the color looks off compared to the other pieces, double-check the color options before purchasing.

Dark Autumn 

dark autumn warm weather colors

Hue: Neutral/Warm

Value: Low.  Low value means you lean towards darker value colors.  This does not mean you don’t have “light colors” in your palette but that your colors have more gray/black added to them.  Your palette is composed of shades and tones.

Chroma:  Medium-High. Autumns are a muted season but you still have visible pigment in your colors. 

Sister Seasons: Dark Winter and True Autumn. Depending on your contrast level and personal style you may find borrowing colors from one of the sister seasons is easier. 

There’s a richness and warmth to your palette that makes it very magnetic.

Dark Autumn Outfit Ideas

True Autumn

true autumn warm weather colors

Hue:  Warm 

Value: Medium. Your value range will be near the 4-7 range on the Munsell Wheel.  

Chroma: Muted 

Sister Seasons: Dark Autumn and Soft Autumn. 

All true seasons lean towards medium saturation, so don’t think you can’t wear a range of colors. You have warmth and ease to your palette.

True Autumn Outfit Ideas

Soft Autumn

soft autumn warm weather colors

Hue: Neutral/Warm

Value: Medium

Chroma:  Low. Even the higher saturation colors in your palettes are fairly soft. 

Sister Seasons:  True Autumn and Soft Summer 

soft autumn capsule wardrobe summer 2024
Shop these pieces

Soft Autumn Outfit Ideas

Soft Summer 

soft summer warm weather colors

Hue: Neutral/Cool

Value: Medium. You span from light stone to charcoal.

Chroma:  Low. This is the shaded side of True Summer, so you will see more shades and tones in this season. This is the darkest of the summer seasons.

Sister Seasons: Soft Autumn and True Summer 

There’s a toned serene quality to this palette.

Soft Summer Outfit Ideas

True Summer

true summer summer colors and face

Hue: Cool. You are the least flexible on hue, you are pure cool so that should be your primary characteristic. 

Value: Medium. You have tones in your palettes (colors that have had some amount of gray to soften the color). 

Chroma: Medium 

Sister Seasons: Soft Summer and Light Summer. Notice how both your sister seasons are also cool, you don’t use warm hues. 

Your colors are cool and tranquil. 

True Summer Outfit Ideas

Light Summer

light summer warm weather colors

Hue: Neutral/Cool

Value: High. High value is your most important color dimension.  It is also referred to as the “light” part of your Light Summer name.  Your colors are still muted tones though since your are in the summer season.

Chroma: Medium.  Your palette is still composed of tones (gray added) but all together they can appear energetic.  When you compare them to the spring seasons though they will feel less bright. Because your colors have the summer blues influence whereas light spring will have the spring yellow influence. 

Sister Seasons: True Summer and Light Spring 

Light Summer Outfit Ideas

Light Spring  

light spring warm weather colors and face

Hue: Neutral/Warm

Value: High.  You will have a lot of tints (white or yellow added to the colors) and no real muted tones (like your sister season Light Summer).

Chroma: Medium. 

Sister Season: Light Summer and True Spring 

Your colors are gentle and have a floatiness to them. 

Light Spring Outfit Ideas:

True Spring

true spring warm weather colors

Hue: Warm.  This is your primary dimension. So you can borrow from your warm sister seasons, but you won’t find cool colors in your palette. You still get all versions of every color but they are warmed up with yellow. 

Value: Medium. This means you have a lot of tints (white added) and colors warmed up with yellow.  Overall your palette doesn’t get too dark. 

Chroma: Medium high.

Sister Seasons: Light Spring and Bright Spring 

There’s a glow and energy about your palette and summer is the perfect time to embrace this!

True Spring Outfit Ideas

Bright Spring

bright spring warm weathe rcolors

Hue: Neutral/Warm

Value: Medium. You have a fairly wide value range. It may not be as wide as Winter’s black to white but it can appear that way because you get warm white to dark coal.  

Chroma: High.  This is your primary characteristic. It’s the “bright” in bright spring. 

Your colors (and mine!) are clear and energetic. During warm weather months you’ll find a lot of great bright spring options, so now is the perfect time to explore those colors you’ve been considering!

Bright Winter

bright winter summer weather colors

Hue: Neutral/Cool

Value: Medium

Chroma: High. This is your primary characteristic.  It is the “bright” in your bright winter name. 

Sister Seasons: Bright Spring and True Winter

You have a huge variety in your palette! While I choose some traditional colors, remember that you have your summer weather colors too.  Because of this Bright Winter needs to customize their palette as they may naturally gravitate towards a specific side or style of their palette. 

Bright Winter Outfit Ideas

True Winter

true winter warm weather colors

Hue: Cool.  This is your primary characteristic, you need cool colors. 

Value:  Medium

Chroma: Medium High. 

Sister Seasons: Bright Winter and Dark Winter. You are only pulling from cool seasons. 

Even though you are pure cool, every palette with have yellow in it. It will just be a “cooled” yellow, like a lemon yellow that has a touch of blue added to it. Instead of the harvest or golden yellows of the warm seasons. 

Your colors are regal and distinctive.

True Winter Outfit Ideas

Dark Winter 

dark winter warm weather colors

Hue: Neutral/Cool 

Value: Low  This is your primary dimension. It’s the “dark” in your Dark Winter name. The first word in any of the names is the primary characteristic of the color palette.  Lighter colors in your palette with will be icy (white added, no gray).  

Chroma: Medium High.  

Sister Seasons: True Winter and Dark Autumn. You can often borrow some colors from Dark autumn because of your neutral undertone, but we don’t want to go too “harvesty”. 

Dark Winter Outfit Ideas

What should I do if I’m unsure of my season?

This is highly dependent on where you are in your style journey. If you’ve narrowed it down to at least one of the four main seasons (winter, autumn, summer, spring) you’re in a pretty good position to slowly pivot your wardrobe. And the color capsule might help you do this.

If you’re still utterly confused and you’ve tried a million drapings and still oscillate between wildly different seasons, then it’s time to make a decision. How important is color in your style currently? If you feel that seasonal color is essential to your color style pillar, and you’ve been lost for a while, then it’s time to get an in-person analysis. It’s worth the investment. Every piece you buy will be around this decision moving forward, and it’s worth getting it right on the first try.

Now.. If you’ve realized that color isn’t your biggest style goal, then maybe it’s time to take a break and explore other aspects of your style toolbox.


I hope this has been helpful! And please let me know if you’d like any specific colors included in the next capsule I make (which will be for Fall 2024). 

And I’m very excited to announce that by Fall I will be offering in-person color analysis in both Brooklyn, NY, and Seattle, Washington. If you’d like to be notified about my color services, you can sign up here

Now embrace the warmer temperatures and sunshine in your best colors! Because if you’ve been on this path for a while, you know what a GAME CHANGER the right colors can be.

You got this!

seasonal color capsule wardrobes summer 2024

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  1. Hi Gabrielle! I love that you ask about color requests. As a Dark Autumn, I would love to see burnt orange, dark olive, warm browns, camel, and plum for a Fall look.

  2. Thanks for this! I’d love to see versions of purple for everyone. Purple and blue are the colors I wear most often (I know I’m cool but that’s all). Seeing the purples across winters and summer might help me narrow it down to at least one season lol

  3. Hi! I’m a pastel spring (probably the same as light spring) and as someone who needs a little edge in their style (Gamine, I usually wear lots of black) I would love to learn how to not feel so boring but still wear colors that flatter me!

    1. So I think light spring would work beautifully for gamine! This connection could be found in the way you use color- more color blocking and higher contrast colors. And also in your use of prints and style lines. I have a series about how I take a fabric and determine the color palette and how it would work for different essences. While I haven’t done your combination, you might find the concept helpful in visualizing your own blend. The video series is : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OCxQFb1aKl0&list=PLz9o0SUMjERw4OXBSTRyvJ52v7FLNc9uK
      And also, light spring has their own version of “black” neutral that you could explore. On a light spring, this coal color will give the same effect.

      1. I think the hard part for me is finding the clothes! It’s so rare to find something that is my color AND style (and body). Do you happen to know what the Kibbe version of House of Color’s Classic Gamine would be? I was typed ingenue gamine by one person in HOC and another said no I’m a classic gamine. Love your content!

        1. I’m in the rabbit hole on your youtube and LOVING IT. I’m still trying to figure out the diff between kibbe and kitchener and how it relates to my HOC style personality. I’m sure I’ll figure it out, but do you work with people directly?

          1. I’m so glad you’re enjoying the content. But I also recommend hearing directly from the source (kibbe or kitchener) for the most accurate and informed teachings. In my understanding, they are both yin/yang essence systems (kibbe and kitchener), they just use parameters slightly differently. Kibe focuses on your essence and undergoing a metamorphisis so you create a style you love and wear clothes that harmonize with you and your style goals. Kitchener focuses on faces (more), mannerisms, color harmony, and overall vibe to generate a unique blend of some or all of the 7 essences. I’m not experienced with the House of Color system, but you could try asking this in my facebook group, as I believe there are some HoC analysts in there. Overall, I think they also have a yin/yang system, but that it’s not a “direct” 1:1 comparison with kibbe or kitchener. Hope this was helpful!
            I don’t offer kitchener or kibbe services. I will be offering direct consultations at the end of the summer for in-person color analysis, and then for style consults (no typing though, more a holistic approach to style solving or personal style building etc)

  4. Love these, esp the white outfit options for winters – I’m not a big fan of my winter colors but i love white and it’s such a lovely summer color. I just noticed that your current picture up in the top right corner shows you up against a wallpaper (?) with very bright spring colors, even though you didn’t know you were a bright spring at the time. That’s pretty cool! It’s like you knew intuitively <3

    1. Ha, yes maybe that’s why I always liked that photo! I’m glad you liked the white outfits, it’s such a fresh look for winters during summer.

  5. Thanks Gabrielle! Will you still be doing your regular seasonal capsule and outfit post? I have difficulty putting together outfits and consult that PDF on a daily basis! If with that post you made links for options based on colour seasons I would find that the most helpful. I generally can figure it out myself based on what you’ve chosen but then you don’t get the affiliate clicks!

    1. So, a lot of have people have asked me about this. Based on this feedback, I’ll get started on it right away. I hadn’t realized they were so helpful. I’ll hopefully get it out by next week!

      1. Yes they are SO helpful – you have no idea. I print them out every season and go by the previous year if you haven’t put a new one out yet. I consult it literally every single day. Thank you so much.

  6. Welcome to the club of people who THOUGHT they were cool and found out that they were not. I NEVER would have guessed Bright Spring for you (I thought nearly all springs were blondes with light eyes), but I never would have guessed True Autumn for me either.

    In your training, what did they say about hair color influencing color palettes? For example, due to an excess of gray hair, my hair is heavily highlighted and, therefore, much lighter than its natural shade, and I find that because of that, the soft autumn palette is working better. Does Sci-Art talk about that? I understand there are some differences of opinion out there.

    1. Yes, draping is really the only way to be sure, because bs colors definitely work for me! And actually, I’ve seen a lot more BS who do look like me, now that I’ve been exploring it more. So we are not that uncommon!
      So natural hair color is not a key factor when draping, skin is definitely the priority. However if you go to an analysis with undyed/processed hair we do do your consultation without a hair scarf, because seeing how the natural hair line reacts can be useful.
      That being said, it’s generally recommended that autumns opt for lowlights instead of highlights to match the softness of their appearance.
      But in my own opinion, if you’re getting warm and muted in your colorings, you could probably find some ways to soften your look (whether you decide to go so far as borrowing from soft autumn is up to you). But Dark Autumn does have some softer colors, including some of the pinks and yellows I used in this example.
      But dying your hair won’t change your season, but it might change how you use your palette.

  7. I thought in the past you mentioned that you were a dark summer, but you look so vibrant in bright spring! Your skin just glows! Thanks for sharing this with us.

    1. Yes I used to think I was cool-toned and waffling between winter and summer. But in April I completed my Sci-Art Color analysis certification and during that process we determined i was a bright spring. It was surprising but I’m loving it so far!

  8. Hello love your work.I guessed youu are Deep winter.
    I have had CMB analyis 3 times during my transition to my late sixties. First as a Winter,then a clear cool winter.Recently since transitioning to grey,I love my salt and pepper colour.CMB says I am cool with no yellow at all in best colours. I am kibbie TR and dont have Romantic clothes,just clean minimal lines.In mirriamstyle,I see I am rounded mixed in lines how can I dress my body as a pettite and like tonal or complete one colour or two cilours at most.I have so far avoided black assessories and keep neutral.I am told soft colours and neutrals make me look tierd.But in summer white sage soft pink and beige colours are cool in the heat.

  9. I’m a dark autumn going into dark winter so summer isn’t too bad for me. I’m a fair muted olive that tans more golden and gets grey when I’m sick/being a hermit. I’ve gotten many compliments on my Marigold shirt. I know I can pull the jewel tones and rich neutrals from dark winter. How about the colors lend to sister seasons?

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